Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Grammar Review

This was a hassle both to make and publish to the web, so let's hope that someone out there finds it helpful!

Grammar Review for test tomorrow.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Week of October 31

We will continue with presentations today and maybe on Wednesday.

On Thursday, you will have a modal verb and future tense quiz. You will be filling out a blank chart similar to this one. You might want to use this as a study resource.

Your Fussball Freitag challenge will be on the house vocabulary on pages 236-237. Remember you can pick up a point for your team if you bring in a picture of your house that is labeled. Your Fussball Freitag challenge will also be in a different format than the last two, so be sure to be prepared with the vocabulary knowledge.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Due 10/27

The final draft of your "friend" composition is due today. Please type and double space, or if this is not possible, write your final copy in ink. Include your rough draft along with your final.

The editing sheet that we used on Monday is available here.

This form allows you to identify what you need to be checking, which you can then use your notes or book to check.

You will be signing up for your "friend" verbal presentations starting on Monday. Remember, you can use bulleted notes with your friend's information on them, but no complete sentences.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Due 10/21

You will need to complete Ubung 13 for Friday.

Your Klaus/Norbert dialog is postponed, so we'll discuss that more tomorrow.

Your Fussball Freitag challenge will be based on your ability to conjugate modal verbs, know their meaning, and use them correctly in sentences. You may want to review these to be prepared for tomorrow.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Your new friend

You should begin working on your new friend project. Your rough draft of your composition will be dur Monday, the 24th. Here are the requirements of the project.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Repost test information

So, apparently something is a little crazy with my google docs. I'm reposting that information as part of a super long message until I get that figured out. (Update: I think I figured it out now, so the link in the previous post should work, but I'll leave this up just in case.)

Unit 1 Test Review Sheet

Information from your Deutschheft:

New words and expressions:

das Wort
der Ausdrück
die Wiederholung

“Wie sagt man _____ auf deutsch?”
“Was bedeutet______ auf deutsch?”

Ich weiß nicht.
Darf ich auf die Toilette gehen?

keine Ahnung
Ich habe keine Ahnung

Question words:

Was für
Wie viel

Spelling and pronunciation of vowels


Conjugation and meaning of regular verbs and key verbs:

* sein
* haben
* spielen
* wohnen
* besuchen
* gehen

Conjugation and meaning of stem changing verbs

* essen
* lesen
* nehmen
* sprechen
* geben

Conjugation and meaning of modal verbs

* können
* wollen
* dürfen
* möchten
* müssen

Vocabulary from Text Book

Chapter 1 (Review)
Chapter 6-Food vocabulary

Culture from Text Book

Dining practices

Friday, October 7, 2011

Unit 1 Test is coming!

We will be taking our first exam on Tuesday/Wednesday of this next week. Please use this guide as a review of all of the things we have worked with so far this year.

Remember, for a Unit exam, you will be asked to fill out a PV form documenting what studying you have done for the test. Review your PV form or the one posted to the right to make sure you are doing what you need to succeed.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Vocab quiz tomorrow!

You will have a vocabulary quiz on the 6B vocabulary on page 170 in your book. Make sure to know spellings and articles for each word. You will also need to know the words/phrases on page 183, as well as the words/phrases: Speisekarte, Herr Ober, Bedienung, Zahlen, Rechnung that were part of the cultural reading on pages 165-167.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Due Monday

(Note that oe = o with umlaut, and ue = u with umlaut. That's how you do it when you don't know how to make an umlaut online...)

For Monday, you need to be able to conjugate the verbs:


Forms of these verbs are in your book on pages 161 or 163.

Also, Wednesday is the due date for your retake of the page 156 vocabulary quiz. I recommend studing with your sponsor and make some practice quizzes for yourself.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Due Wednesday

We will finish our presentations today! Make sure to use some time to review your vocabulary and phrases, both past and present.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Due Tuesday

On Tuesday, you will be presenting your accusation dialogs. You and your partner must write 2 dialogs so you will have a turn playing both the "accuser" and the "denyer". Each dialog should use a different verb, choosing from: nehmen, lesen, sprechen, and essen.

Here is the format:

Student A: Accusation (to teacher)
Student B: Denial
Student A: Re-accusation (directly to student. "Doch..)
Student B: Admission

You will not be using notes for your presentation.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Quiz on Monday!

You will have a vocabulary quiz on the new vocabulary in the dialog on page 156 in your book. Your quiz will also include knowing the meanings of the following verbs:


The next step will be to conjugate these stem changing verbs, so if you'd like to get a head start on studying that this weekend, you can. Their forms are explained on page 196.

Schoenes Wochenende!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Due 9/23

Today we worked in our teams to create skits about people discussing food. We'll be presenting them on Friday, so we'll see which Mannschaft has the most creative skit!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Due 9/21

You should complete making flashcards for the food vocabulary introduced to you on page 156. You might find it useful to use the end of the chapter vocabulary for articles and plural forms (page 189).

Monday, September 19, 2011


Today in class we answered questions about the Lesestuck and discussed proficiency grading.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Due Monday, 9/19

Today in class we reviewed question words.

Was fuer-what for
Wann- when
Wer- Who
Wie- how
Wie viel-how many
Wo-where (at)
Wohin- where (to)
Woher- where (from)
Warum- why

We also read Lesestueck (below), and wrote questions about Klaus in our teams. Please make sure you are reviewing chapter 1-3 vocabulary and new words we've learned in class.

Hallo! Ich heiße Klaus und ich bin fünfzehn Jahre alt. Ich habe einen Bruder, der auch fünfzehn ist: wir sind Zwillinge! Ich komme aus Berlin, aber ich wohne seit 2 Jahren in München. Jetzt wohne ich in München mit meinem Vater
und meiner Stiefmutter. Meine Mutter wohnt noch in Berlin. Belin liegt im Osten, aber München liegt im Suden. Ich habe auch eine Schwester aber sie wohnt noch in Berlin mit meiner Mutter. Meine Großeltern wohnen in Berlin in der Nähe von meiner Mutti. In meiner Freizeit spiele ich gern Fußball, aber ich
spiele nicht gern Klavier. Ich gehe auch gern in die Disko und besuche meine Freunden. Im Sommer, fahre ich nach Berlin für einen Monat. Ich finde die Schule nicht schlecht, aber manchmal habe ich zu viel Hausaufgaben. Meine Lieblingsfächer sind Englisch und Französisch. Ich lerne Sprachen gern! Ich habe
Chemie nicht gern, und oft become ich eine 4 und manchmal eine 5. Das ist sehr schlecht!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Due 9/15

On Thursday, we will be having a little quiz reviewing the vocabulary of Chapter 1 in the German book. Make sure also to review the new words and phrases we learned on Tuesday and Wednesday that you added to your German Heft.